Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lifetime Reading List

Hugh Hewitt asked two notable academics to discuss the thirty books that everyone should have read, and especially college sophomores and freshman. Professor David Allen White teaches Literature to midshipman at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. He is a Catholic convert. Professor John Mark Reynolds heads up the Torrey honors program at Biola - an evangelical Christian university - and is a philosopher.

What resonates with me are the answers towards the end of the interview about the difficulty of difficult books, and how indispensible a good teacher is. So many of the classics are hard and seemingly unyielding yet with a good and patient guide they reveal themselves.

1 comment:

Christian W. said...

That's very true. The sad thing is how easy our society (especially educational institutions) have made it for a young person to get around the "hard books" that are cornerstones of our cultural heritage.